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Proper teen athlete diet - becoming young contestant fare

12-02-2017 à 20:27:19
Proper teen athlete diet
You should also eat monosaturated fats found in meats, nuts, avocados and whole milk products. Athletes in sports where weight is emphasized — such as wrestling, swimming, dance, or gymnastics — might feel pressure to lose weight, but they need to balance that choice with the possible negative side effects mentioned above. It also takes vitamins, minerals, protein, and fats to stay in peak playing shape. A balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can provide proper proportions of nutrients to your body and give an edge during a physical activity. In addition to calcium and iron, you need a whole bunch of other vitamins and minerals that do everything from help you access energy to keep you from getting sick. Eating a balanced diet, including lots of different fruits and veggies, should provide the vitamins and minerals needed for good health and sports performance. Fats also help your body use vitamins and phytochemicals, as well as move substances in and out of cells and keep your brain, nervous system, and skin healthy. And extreme calorie restriction can lead to growth problems and other serious health risks for both girls and guys, including increased risk for fractures and other injuries. Research indicates that carbohydrates may be the most important nutrient for sports performance because they are the most efficient fuel for energy production. To maximize athletic performances, it is critical that you consume enough calories from a variety of different food sources, since athletic activity burns calories faster than when the body is not performing physical activities. Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for endurance and power. Try eating omega-3 fats found in fish such as salmon, which can contribute to decreased fat storage. Protein is also used to make red blood cells, which move oxygen to muscles, and white blood cells, which help fight infections.

Calcium helps build the strong bones that athletes depend on, and iron carries oxygen to muscles. Their bodies are less likely to achieve peak performance and may even break down rather than build up muscles. Protein is very important to our bodies, but try to avoid unhealthy sources of protein such as cheeseburgers, fried chicken, or bacon. Calcium — a must for protecting against stress fractures — is found in dairy foods, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. Your body also uses protein to make hormones and enzymes. When you consume a meal or a snack, the food you eat is digested in the body and nutrients are absorbed. Depending on how active they are, teen athletes may need anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 total calories per day to meet their energy needs. If a coach, gym teacher, or teammate says that you need to go on a diet, talk to your doctor first or visit a dietitian who specializes in teen athletes. This provides the body with energy to perform its necessary functions as food is transformed into calories. Because athletes work out more than their less-active peers, they generally need extra calories to fuel both their sports performance and their growth. What are the good fats and where can you find them. Eat Extra for Excellence Athletes and Dieting Eat a Variety of Foods Muscular Minerals and Vital Vitamins Protein Power Carb Charge Fat Fuel Shun Supplements Ditch Dehydration Caffeine Game-Day Eats. Protein is what rebuilds and repairs your muscles after a tough workout or game, but it also primes the pump to make sure the right amino acids are available to your muscles during the workout. In addition to fueling our central nervous system, carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen, which can be used when needed during physical activities. previous continue Protein Power. Proteins help build new body tissues, and fats provide energy when you are exercising at lower intensity.

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